"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself," Henry Ford


"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." – H.E. Luccock


OnetoMap Analytics Meta-Data Repository


The Onetomap meta-data repository comprises a list of clinical research databases that may be used in research collaborations between multiple research groups and the Department of Surgery at the University of South Florida. In addition to the database list, the repository provides a detailed description of each database, including comprehensive information such as its primary purpose, available variables, and examples of applicable methods and high-impact research performed using these databases.

Currently, there are 49 datasets described in Onetomap, which is constantly updated with new datasets and years additions. These datasets encompass a wide variety of data types, including longitudinal and cross-sectional datasets, collected through surveys, electronic health records, and claims, containing information on patient health and socio-economic demographics, hospital profiles, and physician information.

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